On a recent dive trip to Cozumel Mexico we spent our last day driving around the island in rented Jeeps. Crappy, broken, backfiring jeeps that were most likely barely rescued from a scrap yard. At the far southeastern tip of Cozumel is a small rasta bar sitting in the middle of the sand.
Cool breezes, nice waves, hammocks, fish tacos and ice cold cervezas. This, was my view:
Yet, somehow I found myself searching for more. And by more, I mean WIFI.
I found this sign tucked around
the corner of the bar that basically sums it up:
Why, After 6 days being at the beach, unlimited diving with great family and friends was I still not satisfied to just "be still" in paradise?
It's a crazy making part of myself that can't seem to unplug and relax. Even unplugged I seem to always want to "do" and not just simply "be". I've yet to be comfortable with myself enough to be content and bored.
I need more places like this in my life. Off the grid, and on a slower schedule where time is measured by the sun - not the second. I know I don't need to travel all the way around the world to find those places, yet I seem to lack the discipline to disconnect.
One day I may be content...