Showing posts with label scrum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scrum. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2022

Will hyper-specialization and the gig economy effect agile as we know it?

Organizations and individuals are moving and shifting.   Maybe what we call " agile" should too. 

In this article, we’ll inspect some background around the gig economy and hyper-specialization.  As an agilist, I’ve identified two things that are in conflict with those concepts – long lived teams and team size – to remind us that in addition to inspecting what’s happening in the real world, we’ll need to adapt the way we engage and work with people / organizations moving forward.

Agilist need to inspect

For a bit of background, I thought I'd share a little on the gig economy and on hyper-specialization 

 According to the Pew Research Groups study in 2021,  16% of Americans have earned money from online gig platforms. The study seemed to focus in on gig work like Uber, Grub Hub, DoorDash, etc.  In the paper I didn't see anything about technology work - Design work, software programming, Marketing,-which surprised me.  Sites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer seem to be growing rapidly, and each have tens of thousands of people ready to work in this new gig economy.  The gig economy is growing and seems to be creeping its way into organizations of all size. It provides a way to pull in skilled workers only when you need them. And for the skilled worker, this provides a freedom that conventional employment just can't match.   In a podcast I listened to a few weeks ago ( I can't seem to find the reference at this time) an investment group mentioned that renting a home vs purchasing was on a rapid rise, as it provided a lifestyle that consumers wanted - freedom from repairs and strings -which is a further indication to me that things are shifting.  I think the gig economy is that as well, and it is on the rise.   

Harvard Business Review wrote about Hyper specialization in 2011  and Inc. magazine wrote Welcome the era of hyperspecialization in 2013.  The list of articles is growing, and the specializations are getting narrower and narrower.  As an example, in the field of marketing you have SEO expertise, content marketing, social networking, email campaign, and many more.  In software, it's no longer just divided any by Jr or Sr Developer, or by language, but into UI/UX,Database, Architecture, Front end/back end , and even down to specializations on specific front-end web development platforms.  As our skills increase and the needs grow, people are choosing a much more narrow field in which they want to specialize in for work.  This only makes sense as we've seen this hyper-specialization occur in many other fields. ( thank goodness we aren't still relying on barber surgeons for our healthcare)

While you may not work in a gig economy today, and you may now be on a long lived team,  the organization where you are working is likely looking for people with these skills to augment future growth. 

So here is where these two things will likely be in conflict with agile as we know it. 

Long Lived Teams: 

High performing team based work is predicated on long lived teams. The longer a team is together, the better they are at communicating with each other and the better the work product can become.  New teams, tend to start in the "forming & storming " phases of Tuckmans Model . As employers start leveraging short term expertise with the gig economy, teams may never get to a state of high performance or flow.  Also, the allure of the gig economy will likely push many of an organizations more talented people to leave their current employment- adding fuel to the great resignation.

 Team Size:

For teams to be really high performing, they also need to be small.  Matter of fact, the smaller the better as long as you have all the skills needed to accomplish the goal. Scrum helps us all know that a team should be no more that 7-9 people big, and those individuals having " T shaped skills" ( meaning they may have a deep knowledge in one thing but have a diverse ability to assist in lots of other types of areas) Hyper-specialization means there will be fewer and fewer individuals with T shaped skills, and to get the needed skills on a team to deliver a product in a increment you'd need far more than the recommended 7-9 people.  More people equals more lines of communication and more complexity in completing work. Consider this: at 5 people there are 10 lines of communication, at 9 people there are 36 lines of communication, at 14 there are 91 lines of communication. I think this illustration from Lighthouse makes an excellent visualization of why smaller teams can move more quickly than larger teams.

Combine these two items with a remote-first world of work post COVID, and I think you can see where this might be heading.   So, what should we do?

Agilist need to adapt

Gone should be the days of people saying: " We can't, because the Scrum Guide says _______".  Going forward we need to realize the world of work is forever changing, and adapting - and we agilists need to as well.  We need to meet people and organizations needs within their existing constraints and help them prepare to deliver value in what may come.  Can you imagine a future of really large agile teams made up of people with I-shaped skills that are all working within a gig economy? Or maybe a future structure without teams all together?  I can.   And I've no idea exactly how it might work, but I realize that our understanding of what is "best practices" today, likely won't work.   The very first line of the Agile Manifesto says " We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it."   and maybe it's time for us to really embrace it. 

The world of work is constantly evolving and shifting, and so should how we imagine being more agile in the way we work. 

In this article, we’ve inspected some background around the gig economy and hyper-specialization.  As an agilist, you’ve learned two things that are in conflict with those concepts – long lived teams and team size – to remind us that in addition to inspecting what’s happening in the real world. We need to both inspect and adapt the way we engage and work with people / organizations moving forward.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Why your agile transformation is likely going to fail


According to several recent articles, somewhere in the neighborhood of 75%-94% of all agile transformations will fail.  It's a startling statistic, and one I couldn't find a solid reference. It seems most people believe it to be true, but really hasn't been any studies to back up this claim. For the purposes of this article, I'm going to assume its fairly accurate - as it matches my experience and anecdotal evidence over the past 15 years. And yet, the business of agile transformation is booming. Demand for frameworks, training, and coaching/consulting services is rising.   As of this writing, on LinkedIn alone, there are over 24,000 job openings for agile coach in the United States.  Companies are clearly hiring for help in the pursuit to be more agile in the way they work.

So why do so many agile transformations fail?

Some of the main reasons would be:

1. You are trying to follow a framework

2. You have the wrong people.

3. You see a transformation as a light switch


You are trying to follow a framework

So many organizations seem to think that if they just follow a set of instructions, they will be an agile organization. This is especially true of large scaling frameworks - they look good ( and sell even better) but I'm not sure they actually deliver true results.  This doesn't mean that frameworks are bad, it just means they aren't the solution.   Frameworks are good places to start, but they shouldn't be considered a plug -and-play solution.  You can follow a framework perfectly and still be one of the least agile organizations.   Agility in organizations is about mindset, of the employees and the leadership - not about compliance with a framework.  Start with a framework if you must, then adapt it to fit your business goals and needs. 

You have the wrong people

Since agility in organizations is ultimately about mindset of people, it could be that you have the wrong people in your organization.   None of us likes to consider this factor, but I've seen it time and time again - where a person that believes everything must be planned in advance is put in a position to work in an agile area.  Leaders must consider mindset fit when making this type of transition, offer training and mentoring to help the individuals, but ultimately may need to make a decision to either move those people off that agile project or help them find a new role somewhere else. 

You see a transformation as a light switch

Many years ago, an agile training and consulting company I was working with went on a sales call with a major US retailer.   In the discovery call with the potential client, our team was laying out a transition strategy, an alignment of organizational goals for this transition, and a way to discover what might be the best fit for them as an organization.  Thats when the most Senior VP in the room said " I don't really want this rollout plan, I just want you to flip it ".    This leader saw a shift to agility for their extremely large organization as simple as turning on a light switch.  

Organizational change is hard, and takes time.    If consultants were brutally honest with you ( like we were with this potential client) moving  a traditionally structured organization through an agile transformation can take years, or even decades depending upon the size of the company. And since organizations are always losing staff and hiring staff, the process likely will never be " done".  Transformations are never finished.  Even after 4 years at my last company, we had made excellent progress, but will always have a ways to go. 

Wrapping up

Leaders should understand that starting a transformation will take serious time and investment, and still may not be successful.   Invest in the individuals in your organization constantly and consistently, and don't look for some framework to be the destination.   This is a worthy journey, that can produce an organization that is far more responsive to the ever changing world of business. 

Patience, focusing on the real goals of why you are making this shift, and ensuring you have the right mindset can hep you be far more successful. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

A better, kinder agile community


Each and every day I check my social feeds, wanting to keep up on what is new in the world. I especially

follow topics and people in the agile movement, as I am passionate about bringing humanity to the

workplace. Yet sadly, most of my agile feed doesn't reflect that humanity I so want to see.

From an external view, there are so many twitter wars arguing over who is right and who is wrong, agilists

proudly proclaiming blocking each other, and individuals trying to raise themselves up by putting

something else down.

The whole thing makes me sad.

This agile movement is better than this. We are better than this.

I fear the divisiveness has moved the conversation away from the core tenets and values, reducing the agile movements credibility in the eyes of those those outside our immediate space. When people view us, they view how we behave with each other, and test to see if this movement is really unified in direction and cause, or is it more like a noisy playground of unruly kindergartners. Sadly, I've seen playgrounds better behaved some days.

Estimates or no estimates, which agile scaling is wrong or never scale, coaching vs consulting, word for word disagreements from the scrum guide, pink stickies or yellow stickies - in truth, little of this matters. Companies want to be more adaptive, more iterative, and incremental. They want to delight their customers - and they are looking to us for help. If we spend all of our energy fighting with each other about whether it’s “ok” to use Jira or not, we’re not only going to fail to help, we’re going to erode the confidence executives have in our ability to help in the first place.

I'm convinced this isn't peoples intent, nor is it the entire movement toward agility. I believe that there is a silent majority that likely feels a bit like me, hoping for something more. Something better.

My friend, @RonJeffries said it well a bit earlier today:

For me, I'm committing to only add to the collective voice when it's words of hope, stories of success, or items that might bring this movement closer together. I believe our agile movement needs more examples of unity, of brightness, and direction.

There is a chance I'm alone in this feeling, and few will echo this concern, but I'm willing to take the chance and put this out there.

If this resonates with you, I encourage you to make a commitment on what you will add. And maybe, this agile movement will be just a little bit better and kinder place.

Please Note: this article was originally published on my LinkedIn account March 3, 2022