Sunday, March 20, 2011


Change is difficult for some, more difficult for others.

In an organization, the individuals resistance or willingness to change is many times proportional  to that individuals comfort level in themselves. As team members get older and set in their way, comfortable in "the way they have always done it" many times this blocks them from opening their minds to the possible of what better may come. You even see this in churches, as people sit in the same seat over and over again, and don't you dare try and sit in it one sunday morning.

People are creatures of habit.. but do they have to be?

As I have gotten older many changes have happened in my life, some by my choosing, others not. I have reacted poorly to some and better to others, but through all of them I've worked hard to answer the question " So , what can you learn from this?" Many times it took someone other than myself to help me see the learning needed.  What I found out many times stung a bit, applying a magnifying glass  to the areas of "me" that I thought I hid pretty well.

The core learning for me was to embrace change.

Learning to see any change as an opportunity to grow, to learn, to make a difference, to become a better me, takes effort. Natural reaction for me (and most) was to sulk, or to harbor bad feelings, but those actions only ever caused me to live in the past and never see what was next. Seeing change, good or bad, as an opportunity is freeing and empowering. It is the open window when the door shuts. Embracing change is a mindset that takes effort and practice.

I am guessing the blue haired woman on the pew left of the isle has not practiced much.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

the minus is common

It's been 2 weeks since I have arrived in Tallinn and I must say each new day brings something pleasant. I have to admit I knew little of this part of the world when I arrived, and being here has intrigued me to explore even more. 

Quaint coffee shops, medieval restaurants and stone walls, people bundled to the eyeballs in furs, and unique shops around each corner. The people here are genuine and much more of nordic decent than I knew. 

Currently the very cold is making it hard for me to get the energy to really explore much more than a few blocks from the hotel. My eyes freeze open in the cold wind and the snow falls each day anew. Forecasts show the high temps always with a minus symbol (-). I hardly can think of the low temps. 

In general there are still people roaming the streets, ducking in and out of the shops and cafe's. I can just imagine the cobblestone streets in the summer when the cafes have outside dining and the streets are full of tourists. 

Surprisingly there is still a large amount of outdoor vendors lining the old city walls and in the handmade crafts area. Predominantly women with handmade sweaters, hats and gloves for sale - dusted with snow. They are beautiful but a 100% wool item would be wasted on my return home.  Not shocking is the number of t-shirts available is near zero. 

Food has been a joy. 

Typically Estonian food is hard for me to put my finger on. I have eaten at several places claiming to be "typical" but all are slightly different.  The staple items tend to be the basic meat and potatoes.  Pork cutlets and boiled potatoes, sauce ( gravy), carrot or beet salad, and the ubiquitous pickle. I have also has a very nice stuffed baked chicken breast with sun dried tomatoes and mozzarella cheese that a waiter claimed was " very Estonian" - I am not so sure, although it was excellent. Basically, I've had really nothing that wasn't good except one attempt at a pumpkin soup that reminded me strangely of dish detergent. ( one bite was enough)

One week left. The temperatures may be always in the minus category, but for me this place really has been a plus. 

Monday, January 31, 2011

A Snowy transition

Jan 30th I arrived in Tallinn, Estonia after a 24 hour journey. My first impressions of Tallinn are wonderful!!

Snowy streets and shoveled sidewalks, people wrapped up in wool and warm smiles. The architecture is straight out of the 12th century, interspersed with new and very modern.

My morning view from my hotel window really gave me some of the best images of Tallinn.... what a way to greet the day!

This is also a beginning of a new adventure in Agile coaching. I am blessed to have this opportunity to work with some really world class coaches, watching them in action.

I will be here in Tallinn 22 days, so this is just the beginning. With an eye searching for the new adventure, I am looking forward to each new day.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lake in January

Yesterday I spent the better part of the day at Lake Ouachita..soaking up the sun, looking at the smooth as glass water, and being grateful for where I live.

Many times we look at House Hunters International and we see places greener, better. We drool at the view from a balcony of a condo we cannot afford, or dream of lands far away.

Yesterday reminded me of how blessed I am to be 15 minutes from Lake Ouachita. To have a boat in the water ready to go at the turn of a key, and friends to meet and tie-up to and drift... and talk.. and dream.

Sun setting, headed back. thinking of the return

Free, natural, and peace.  It's a feeling of where I belong. A connection with who I am and whose I am.

The next 22 days will find me in a far away country, snowy cobblestone streets, business suits, technology, new friends, challenges, and wool socks.

Going is always good, and yesterday reminds me that the return will be ever sweeter.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am pretty convinced the world has gone nuts.

This week Starbucks announced the new 31 oz cup size, the Trenta.  Its larger than the Venti, and twice the size of the Grande and makes the Tall just simply look like a shot glass.

Not that I am against large quantities of caffeine, nor do I think it is wrong for Starbucks to create something larger to quench our appetite to over indulge. New cup size? - big deal.

Starbucks announcing a new cup size made CNN, MSN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the New York Times, USA Today and almost all other major american newspapers. Good God it even was a top trending on Twitter. The morning network news shows were doing feature segments showing the relationship to the size of a human stomach, counting costs, and counting caffeine in relationship to Red Bull.

Are you kidding me?

This is what we have come to, that a new cup size at Starbucks is world news. It is worthy of coverage and feature on all major cable and network news, morning radio shows, and national newspapers. Somehow this is a TOP STORY for us in the states and it makes me sad. How much energy and noise did this create and what important did we miss or overlook as our news sources helped make Starbucks a household topic.

Were there any advances in science? How about medicine? Are they closer to a cancer cure?
How is Haiti? Have they completely recovered?
What good has happened in the world?
What happened that makes a real difference in the lives of people?
Do we have healthcare yet?
When is the war going to finally end?

Nope. A cup is our largest news item.

And it's not like a 31 oz cup size has never ever before been seen. Dunkin Donuts has a 32 oz and anyone not remember the 64oz 7 Eleven Big Gulp? News worthy my ass.

I'm going to go drown myself in 31 oz of caffeine.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A New Adventure

Recently I had to produce a resume' which I hadn't done in 15-20 years. I found this to be one of the hardest things to do, to tell my story in accomplishments. Painfully hard.

I've not cured cancer, nor saved the world from a mutant alien, but I am proud of what I have done. For some reason its hard to put it down, like I have wiped it from my memory because there is always something next that should be done.

My past work is very wide and varied based mostly on my choices. I like diversity and love a new challenge. I also have an issue with only doing one thing. I believe I am one of those guys that thrives when his plate is overflowing with things to do and challenges to overcome. These are the times I seem to step it up and deliver exceptional results. Give me just one small thing to do and it might take a week... gheez I am pathetic.

I've been a small business owner for 25+ years as a Real Estate Appraiser, I'm a Realtor, I've started/sold a chemical distributor business, I've taught diving and done blackwater construction, all the while being a student pastor for 15 yrs. I've been operations and membership manager for a global not for profit with a 100,000+ membership, I've worked on development teams as a tester, as a Product Owner. I have been a ScrumMaster and team member of team in our church while counseling parents and students in crisis. I've traveled all over the world assisting with large tech conferences, and working with small dev startups.

Juggling, I have practice.

And now, I  step into a new area for me - Agile Coaching.  In about 10 days I leave for Tallinn, Estonia to help with a large scale agile transformation. I will be intrenched at the customer for approx 20 days, listening, learning, inspecting, adapting, and I am sure being humbled. To be honest this new adventure has me a bit timid, hoping I can deliver value while embracing the heart of agile in the cold of eastern Europe.  I have a company that understands my background, and sees potential value in me, and what I might bring to the table to their company.  For that I am deeply humbled and grateful.

So this new adventure will take me away from my family longer than I have ever been, and to a place intellectually challenging for me. If I said I was not intimidated I would be lying. I am also excited for the adventure ahead.. as this could be a game changer for me and open a whole new set of skills I didn't realize I had. If it does, well, it's just more to juggle.  :-)

Friday, January 7, 2011


Each day seems to bring something new... a challenge, a joy, a worry, a laugh.

Roller coaster, yes. Is it good? Hell Yes!

Agile by nature... maybe. maybe not.

I enjoy life's twists and turns, assessing where I am and making the call for whats next. This past year has had its share of twists and turns. I've lost my mother after a long battle with cancer, leaving me with no parents/grandparents. Since June I have had times of feeling lost without a parent/elder. It is sobering to realize you are now THE elder.  I have a Brother-in-law battling for his life, and recently found out that my longest time employee and dear friend has breast cancer. Someone needs to kick this horrible disease in the ass. Through this disease I have experienced a much tighter bond with family and friends... a blessing from chaos.

A 2.5 year contract for employment ended in November for me, which has opened more doors and windows. I am working closely with a great Scrum Trainer and friend, traveling to Costa Rica and other places helping solidify relationships and developing more business opportunities. I have 2 other top notch agile coaching and training shops that want me to come onboard. It looks like I will be working with one of them for about 20 days in Estonia in a huge agile implementation. This will determine if I fit well with them, and they with me. Oh the adventure!

Speaking of onboard, I've formed Diversion Services, LLC for my Dive boat and services. Accounts are done and corporate papers are finished. Just need to get the boat finished up and we will be ready to take charters out. Summer cannot arrive soon enough.

Waking, wondering what will be of this day I have been given. This is an occurrence each morning as life seems to be pulling me in many directions all at once. Like ropes on the outlaw being drawn and quartered, each rope pulling in a random rhythm, threatening to either pull me apart, or break the other ropes. Each battling for time, energy, and parts of me.

Strangely, I do not think I have ever been happier.

So here is to what tomorrow brings, good news or bad, I am ready for the adventure.